If your child is not able to attend school you must let the Attendance team know via Studybugs app - giving as much notice as possible.
Every school day counts and any absence from school will result in lost learning and a risk of underachievement.
Please look at the tabs below to help guide you.
Illness To report an absence please use Studybugs app which can be downloaded for free or you can register using the web browser on the same link. When reporting an absence on Studybugs, please make sure you report the absence and not use the send other message option. You will need to make sure you give a specific reason for the illness.
Please do this ideally before 9.00am on the first day of absence, stating your child’s name, tutor group, the reason for absence and your relationship to the child. If your child has a sickness bug, they need to remain at home for 48 hours following the last vomiting before returning to school.
For consecutive absences - please use the Studybugs app daily.
Medical Appointments You can report any absence due to a medical appointment in advance via the Studybugs app. You will need to enter your child’s name, tutor group, the nature of the appointment (so the appropriate code can be issued), place and time of the appointment and if the child will be returning to school after the appointment.
All medical appointments should be reported in advance, please do not give your child a letter to bring in with them on the day of the appointment as this is too late and an attendance call will have already been made.
Leaving Early Please contact the Attendance Officer via the Studybugs app in advance. Full details must be given so that appropriate code can be issued.
Exceptional Circumstances The Department of Education (DfE) allows the Headteacher the discretion to consider authorising an absence during term time only in ‘exceptional circumstances’. The definition of ‘exceptional’ is rare, significant, unavoidable (cannot be reasonably scheduled at another time) and short.
Whether the absence is ‘exceptional’ is at the Headteacher’s discretion based on their assessment of the situation and can vary from school to school. We will assess each request on an individual basis, considering both the impact missing school will have on the child’s education and any special circumstances of which you make us aware. The school will take into account:
- The pupil’s age and the stage in their education
- The timing of the holiday
- The nature of the holiday
- The overall attendance pattern of the pupil
- The progress of the pupil
A leave of absence form must be completed if you would like to take your child/children out of school during term time. This should be done no less than 14 days before the commencement of the leave of absence. You can complete the Leave of Absence Form below.
Attendance Leaflet Studybugs guide Please find a guide to reporting an absence through Studybugs
To report an absence please use Studybugs app which can be downloaded for free or you can register using the web browser on the same link. When reporting an absence on Studybugs, please make sure you report the absence and not use the send other message option. You will need to make sure you give a specific reason for the illness.
Please do this ideally before 9.00am on the first day of absence, stating your child’s name, tutor group, the reason for absence and your relationship to the child. If your child has a sickness bug, they need to remain at home for 48 hours following the last vomiting before returning to school.
For consecutive absences - please use the Studybugs app daily.
You can report any absence due to a medical appointment in advance via the Studybugs app. You will need to enter your child’s name, tutor group, the nature of the appointment (so the appropriate code can be issued), place and time of the appointment and if the child will be returning to school after the appointment.
All medical appointments should be reported in advance, please do not give your child a letter to bring in with them on the day of the appointment as this is too late and an attendance call will have already been made.
Please contact the Attendance Officer via the Studybugs app in advance. Full details must be given so that appropriate code can be issued.
The Department of Education (DfE) allows the Headteacher the discretion to consider authorising an absence during term time only in ‘exceptional circumstances’. The definition of ‘exceptional’ is rare, significant, unavoidable (cannot be reasonably scheduled at another time) and short.
Whether the absence is ‘exceptional’ is at the Headteacher’s discretion based on their assessment of the situation and can vary from school to school. We will assess each request on an individual basis, considering both the impact missing school will have on the child’s education and any special circumstances of which you make us aware. The school will take into account:
- The pupil’s age and the stage in their education
- The timing of the holiday
- The nature of the holiday
- The overall attendance pattern of the pupil
- The progress of the pupil
A leave of absence form must be completed if you would like to take your child/children out of school during term time. This should be done no less than 14 days before the commencement of the leave of absence. You can complete the Leave of Absence Form below.
Please find a guide to reporting an absence through Studybugs
Absence from learning has been proven to adversely impact upon a pupil’s academic progress.